I have many thoughts. For example, I think that people who work as waiters, sales associates, etc., should get to hang a sign on a customer if they are being a complete dumbass. Sort of like in "The Scarlet Letter," but instead of an "A" for "adulterer", it should be "M" for "Moron." And then that person would have to walk around for the next week with a "M" on their chest, letting the whole world know how stupid these people truly are.
I also think that men should stop showing pictures of their genitals online. I don't want to see it on my computer. If I decide you're attractive and we hook up, THEN show it to me. I mean, you're supposed to show to those online what you feel is the most appealing part of you. If that is a lump of skin and muscle, why do I want to see what the rest of you looks like? Get real, people!
Now, I'm not always this angry. In fact, most of the time, I'd like to think I'm a fairly pleasant person. Sure, there are people that I rub the wrong way and vice versa, but most people that meet me tend to have a positive opinion of me. If the person happens to be drunk, their opinion of me becomes VERY positive...very, very positive. If that drunk person happens to be hot, then I might as well be Jake Gyllenhaal. Once that guy sobers up, then I become slightly less appealing.
What is my point in all of this rambling? I'm not sure, but I think that I need to vent my frustrations, and this seems like a healthy manner in which to do so. My current frustrations center on dating, or more accurately, my inability to date successfully. Sure, I've been on dates, but never more than three with the same person. I've gone on "non-dates," which are basically just hanging out with guys that I would like to date, but they don't feel the same way. I've met guys in bars who I deem to be quite fetching, but I end up not being their type. I do seem to attract people that I'm not interested in dating. So I'm sort of stuck in that middle ground.
This blog might not be solely about dating woes. It may be about finding employment woes, or about anything else that I want people to know what my opinion is on the matter. I'm just starting this out, so we'll see where it goes from here. Buckle in tightly.
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